Saturday 26 March 2011

Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

I read "Spiritual Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse" today in an attempt to recover my own self respect and to simply feel better. Clearly the author has had experienced much the same as I have - it is comforting to know I am not completely nuts. I don't like her writing style - far too many exclamation marks and short paragraphs. I also don't like the way she mixed useful psychological information with her own spiritual views. The book would have been far more useful (and shorter) if she left that out.
However, she clearly knows a lot about narcissists and how torecover from the experience. I agree with most of what she writes.

Here are a few quotes I find particularly appropriate:

A narcissist is a master at projection. He is unaware of his own subconscious feelings and projects them upon the ones closest to him. He will believe that his victim is doing to him what he, in all actuality, is doing to his victim.

My psychologist explained it like this: “A narcissist inside feels like the lowest worm. He really has no self-worth at all and so he depends on others to inflate him. Think of him like a deflated tire and you as the tire pumper. You have been pumping up his tire for him and when you refused to be his tire pumper he simply went and found someone else who would pump up his tire.”

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