Saturday 22 September 2012

Guerrilla Knitter struck at the secret Thames Path

I took to the old, semi-derelict part of the Thames path today to sort out a few loose bolts in my mind. I was pondering the meaning of life and suchlike when I suddenly realised that something was very different. It was the pole on which the sign is mounted at the end of the blue-walled part of the path between the containers.

Something unusual is up in the alley

On closer inspection, it appears as it someone covered the two poles with knitted jackets of some kind? This was just weird.

I walked up to the the two poles and my eyes were drawn to the left. Astonishingly, they covered the railings of the disused steps too. The rest of the journey turned in a magical experience. I will try to show you.
Colour on the steps
Adding colour to drab old boats.
White and red knitwear for steps
I came upon a tree with a cosy and colourful... stem garment?
Doily for a pretty tree
Another lamppost...
Lamppost with some added colour.
And an octopus with six legs caught in a fish net...
Six-legged octopus trapped
We then found a little children's doll with a flag tied to a fence!
Smile! And do not enter.
Whose flag is this?
And a tree with a very comfy looking branch hanging over the water...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rudolph, I work for the News Shopper newspaper covering Greenwich. These photos are brilliant - would we be able to use some for the paper and credit you?

    Best wishes,

    Sarah Trotter 01689 885732,
