Friday 29 April 2011


One thing I will definitely have at the new flat is a collection of berries on the balcony. Saw a loganberry for the first time. The last photo is not mine, but gives you an idea what they look like.

- Posted from my iPhone

English Nursery

First time I ever saw these plants. Nursery labeled them "Alpines". They are very pretty used as part of Living Roofs. One day I'll have a garden again. These ones are labeled "Sempervivum", as in always alive. That is appropriate I think.

Sempervivum 1
Sempervivum 2
Sempervivum 3

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Cherries 1W after blooms

I'm addicted to cherries. This is what they look like one week after the blooms fell off.

- Posted from my iPhone

Location:Victoria Close,Rickmansworth,United Kingdom

Monday 25 April 2011

Look how cool this is...

It is a model of a NYC street corner. Look at the level of detail and how small everything is (there is a coin visible in some of the photos).

More here and here.

Saturday 23 April 2011

This is not it

I almost swallowed my coffee when I spotted this sign around the corner from where we live. It reads: "DO NOT RING THE DOORBELL IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE BROTHEL - THIS IS NOT IT!" This is not it

Location:Middlesex St,City of London,United Kingdom

Sign in the window of #52a New Goulston Street.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Colour me purple

You have got to see this. I don't like (read faint) dead things in formaline. But they are something else.